My Streake II Design (W.I.P)

Now this character I designed to be inspired by Jay Garrick. The idea is that Jay saved this korean kid and his family, when he was under ten…🤔…the kid was under ten…not Jay 😅 So anyway the kid being a genius (Because of course he is 😄) sought to access the Speed-Force himself, but unlike Wally West who recreated the same experiment that had turned Barry Allen into a Speed-Force conduit, he did it through technological prowess.
His moniker, The Streake (II) is based on an alternate universe variant of Jay from the D.C.Animated Universe ‘Justice League Unlimited’ show, called ‘The Streak’.

The Flash (Jay Garrick)

The Streak

Vss365: Agelast 26/9/2020

#Agelast since birth

It brought frustration to my family

But out here I find no mirth

Though a circus roars within me

I watch stoic as others misjudge my worth

Discontent with the discomfort I make them feel

It brings a light rumbling to my girth

That they will never see

Vss365: Finifugal 25/9/2020

#Finifugal?! How very dare you

Nothing so accidental

I’m a procrastibator by nature

Naught about my actions are unintentional

I mean, to half-ass life like I do

Takes fortitude of the mental

No fear holding me back here

Every failure is consensual

Vss365: Barmecidal 24/9/2020

Sitting at the pew

Her emotions #Barmecidal

Surface smiles

Save when it came to her rival

Then her hate

Was viciously tidal

Watching the fiancé-stealer

Stand there in her bridal

All her thoughts

Were sinfully homicidal

Except for the ones

To make the deed look suicidal

Vss365: Biblioklept 17/9/2020

His stomach churned

And his soul wept

So much that could be learned

Now charred on the steps

Then the bibliophile turned

Brazen #Biblioklept

To save the books being burned

By those bastardising the bible’s teachings to keep us inept

Mr.America Redesign (W.I.P)

So D.C has this character called Mr.America that is associated with the ‘Justice Society’. The role has actually been served by different dudes at certain points and the character’s feel is essentially Detective-Zorro. I actually like the idea of more street level heroes; Gang Buster, Shang Chi, Daughters of the Dragon (Not exactly heroes but, you get what I mean), it’s one of the reasons I liked the Netflix Marvel shows so much…🤔…some more than others (And yes I liked ‘IronFist’ more than most, till the 2nd half of season2 went off a cliff 😑).

Anyway, so I thought I’d upgrade his look in a more modern style. Changed his moniker to ‘The American’ and took influences for the new suit from the Arkham games/The Dark Knight trilogy Batman.

A look at the original designs.

Vss365: Chaos 1/7/2020

Woke with a wound

Heart swapped with open sutures

Lay by the road

Being devoured by vultures

Woke up with words

That weren’t my own

But didn’t disturb the lie

From which life had grown

Woke in a world

Twice blessed by #Chaos

Death the only promise

& no one to save us

Vss365: Rubiginous 24/6/2020

His lovely face

Demeanour so bold

Sparks & butterflies

Of fables told

The sweet night ended

How were you to know

The vitae in your veins

For the un-life he was sold

But it’s important to note

That you made him whole

Rejuvenating him all

Rotted heart & #Rubiginous soul